Transmigrated into the sickly beautiful younger sister of the Villain Chapter 2


    In the end, Lu Yang admitted that due to the confusion in the fight, he didn't see who pushed whom. The parents of the three individuals were called over, and Lu Zhihong directly instructed the Lu family lawyer to negotiate with them.

   After realizing how truly weak her current body was, Lu Nian sighed. Following that statement, she struggled to recount the previous scene, her eyelids growing heavy, her head feeling dizzy. She exerted herself to utter the last word before her eyelashes drooped and she slipped back into unconsciousness.

    Qin Si was cleared of suspicion, but throughout the whole ordeal, no one apologized to him.

    Lu Zhihong habitually ignored him. He still had business to attend to at his company, so he asked Zhang Qiuping to stay at the hospital and take care of Lu Nian, and he also hired two caregivers. Then he left for his company first.

    Lu Nian has been feeling drowsy and lethargic for the past few days, waking up only to fall asleep again.

    "Miss, the doctor said we can leave the hospital and go home tomorrow."

    Zhang Qiuping skillfully picked up the bowl and scooped a bowl of chicken soup with red dates and ginseng for Lu Nian. It was stewed to perfection, with a fragrant aroma filling the air. Lu Nian took the bowl and drank a few sips, feeling a warm sensation spreading from her stomach.

    The snow outside has stopped, and the heating is on in the ward, warm as spring.

    After finishing her drink, Lu Nian smiled sweetly at Zhang Qiuping and said, "Thank you, Auntie."

    "This child, why are you being so polite to your aunt?" Zhang Qiuping put down her bowl. The little girl smiled sweetly. Although her face was still very pale, the corners of her eyes and mouth were all curved up. Zhang Qiuping had rarely seen the child smile so happily before, and for a moment, she felt that the child's smile had touched her heart and made her feel particularly warm inside.

    Zhang Qiuping is the longest-serving nanny in the Lu family. She has been taking care of them since she was young and has been meticulous in her care, handling all of her affairs with great care and attention to detail.

    After staying in the hospital for a week, Lu Nian felt that her body had basically recovered by more than half. The next morning, Zhang Qiuping rushed to the hospital, helped her change out of her hospital gown, and then wrapped her in a warm woolen coat and scarf.

    The Lu family's car had already stopped at the entrance of the hospital. The nurse helped her onto the car and placed her temporary crutch aside. Zhang Qiuping sat next to her and fastened her seatbelt while chattering away, "Mr. Lu had a meeting this morning and couldn't get away. He can only come to see you after he finishes his work."

    She seemed quite afraid of Lu Nian's disapproval, stealing glances at her several times and making several explanations for Lu Zhihong.

    Lu Nian didn't really care about this cheap dad and just nodded casually.

    She now has a slightly clearer mind and vaguely recalls the background of this book. Because the character Lu Nian doesn't have much screen time, Lu Nian herself didn't pay much attention when she read this book, so she only vaguely remembers the general idea.

    The background of the Lu family mentioned in the book is actually quite complex. In the previous generation, Mr. Lu, the patriarch of the family, had three sons. Among them, Lu Zhihong was initially not the most outstanding one. However, because he married the eldest daughter of the Cheng family, he later found himself in a favorable position and became the most successful in the current generation. However, he only has one daughter, Lu Nian, who is sickly and fragile, often collapsing at the slightest breeze.


    During the birth of Lu Nian, her mother was already of advanced age, and she had difficulties delivering the baby. This took a toll on her health, and she passed away soon after due to illness.

    When Lu Nian was six years old, Lu Zhihong remarried to a woman who was almost a decade younger than him. However, they have not had any children since then. Lu Nian is still the only daughter of Lu Zhihong and the sole heiress of the Lu family, with a high status at home.

    Lu Nian was born with congenital deficiencies. Her mother passed away early, and her father often didn't come home. There was also a troublesome stepmother in the family. Lu Nian's own health was extremely poor, frequently falling ill. As a result, Liu Nian had a very unruly temper. Lu Nian vaguely remembers that, in the original story, she died at a very young age.


    After recalling all these backgrounds.

    Lu Nian raised her wrist and examined it for a moment. Zhang Qiuping noticed her action and a hint of unease flickered in her eyes, but she remained silent.

    The wrist under the glove is pale, weak, and translucent. It looks so delicate that it could break with a little force. The right wrist is covered with dense scars, some new and some old. It seems that she has attempted suicide many times, despite being such a young girl.


    Lu Nian silently takes off the gloves.


    The original host probably had long since lost the desire to stay in this world.

    She thinks that Lu Nian went alone to the desolate rooftop of the school, probably holding the same purpose.

    The car was driving smoothly as Lu Nian looked at the scenery passing by outside the window. She thought, "I will live on for you, and I'll live well."

    As someone who has already died once, she treasures this opportunity to be reborn, whether it is in the real world or in some world within a book.

    Soon, the car arrived at the villa area and entered the estate of the Lu family. After a wide white road, there were exquisite small buildings scattered around. It had snowed last night, and a few cleaners were sweeping snow by the roadside.

    Lu Nian's room is located on the second floor of the side building, exquisitely decorated and cozy. Upon entering the bedroom, there is a princess bed adorned with delicate patterns, with sheer curtains hanging down. The floor is covered with a thick wool carpet, and a large rabbit plush toy sits on the floor. The bed is also scattered with various types of stuffed animals.


    After all, her hand was not very convenient, so Lu Nian had to rely on Zhang Qiuping's help to take a hot bath and dry her long black hair. She changed into a comfortable home dress. After going through all these steps, Lu Nian was sweating. Zhang Qiuping was used to taking care of her and felt that Miss Lu was in a good mood today and very cooperative, making everything go smoothly and comfortably.

    Her current task is to recuperate. After taking medicine and supplements, Lu Nian looked out of the window and saw that the sun had come out. The warm light reminded her of something.

    "Did Qin Si come back with us, Aunt Zhang?" asked Lu Nian.

    After she fell down, her mind was a little confused, and she actually forgot this important thing.

    Today is the weekend, so Qin Si doesn't have to go to school either.

    Zhang Qiuping was surprised to hear this name from her mouth. She remembered the care that Lu Nian had for Qin Si in the ward, and her movements in tidying up the clothes slowed down. "Go back, I'm not sure—Does Nian Nian need him for something?"

    Lu Nian did not deny it and slowly said, "Well... there might be something." She also wanted to see how he was injured.


    "Then I'll go immediately and have someone bring him to meet the young lady," Zhang Qiuping said, habitually wiping her hands on her apron and turning to leave.

    Lu Nian didn't expect her to say that, and quickly replied, "Wait a minute."

    Why is it being handled like a feudal society, disregarding Qin's own wishes and regardless of whether he is currently available or not?


    Zhang Qiuping opened her mouth and said, "Anyway, he doesn't have anything to do."

    Qin Si has a very low status in the Lu family, and everyone knows it. Although he was brought to the Lu family solely for the sake of Lu Nian, she doesn't care about him at all. Qin Si himself has such a personality and never actively seeks to please others. Moreover, due to inheritance laws, Qin Si was never registered under the Lu family from the beginning, so his life in the Lu family is even more difficult. No one pays any attention to him.

    Naturally, Zhang Qiuping felt the same way. In this household, she believed that Qin Si's potential role was merely to amuse and entertain her. Of course, he could be summoned and dismissed at will.

    Lu Nian quietly wrinkled her small eyebrows and shook her head, "No need."


    Zhang Qiuping didn't know which sentence she had said wrong again. She was a little nervous and immediately stopped mentioning this topic.

    Lu Nian couldn't let go of her thoughts, so she stood up shortly after and said, "Aunt Zhang, I want to go out for a walk."


    Zhang Qiuping shook her head reflexively and said, "It's so cold outside."

    Lu Nian smiled and tugged on Zhang Qiuping's sleeve gently, speaking softly, "Aunt Zhang, I've been suffocating at the hospital. I know you're concerned about me, but please just let me take a walk around the house and come back quickly. There won't be any problems."


    Of course, Zhang Qiuping couldn't really constrain Lu Nian's will. Seeing her use such a coquettish tone, she could only agree. Lu Nian told the caregivers not to follow her, then wrapped another layer of clothing around herself and put on a scarf and gloves. Finally, she managed to walk out of the door with great difficulty.


   This is a villa area where wealthy families gather. The greenery is well-maintained, the environment is peaceful, and the air is very fresh.


    There are still some snow piles that haven't melted on the roadside. Lu Nian walked along the road of the Lu family estate and soon saw some people - children about her age - squatting by the roadside making snow balls and throwing them at each other, having a lot of fun.

      "Lu Nian." Those boys saw her walking slowly, recognized her, and immediately crowded around her, looking excited.

    They are all children who live in the villa area nearby and go to the same school. The Lu family has naturally heard of them, but Lu Nian has a solitary personality and rarely goes out of her house, so they don't have many chances to play with her.

    Although they were aware that Lu Nian was the young lady of the Lu family, their desire to curry favor with her and gain benefits from her was not particularly evident, probably because of their relatively young age.

    Just that, Lu Nian is good-looking. This is the most intuitive impression that can be given to children.



Although young and still retaining a childishness, there is always a lingering sickly appearance on her face. However, she looks really good, delicate and slender like a doll, with a fair complexion and soft, dark hair. Everyone wants to play with Lu Nian.


    Lu Nian, feeling apologetic, smiled briefly and pointed to her own throat. Then she coughed. The children understood her meaning and immediately stopped throwing snowballs. They also lowered their voices, as if afraid of disturbing her.



    Qiu Lin said, "Lu Nian, you've missed so many classes this time. I can lend you my notes."

    "Since Nian Nian has difficulty writing, I help her copy." said Gu Pingze. Gu and Lu families have some business connections, so Gu Pingze has known Lu Nian since childhood and they speak intimately.

    After using implicit and explicit hints, she finally managed to get rid of this pile of enthusiastic young boys. Continuing along the road, not long after, she finally saw a familiar figure under a tree.


    Qin Si stood not far away, unaware of how long he had been there, holding a handful of snow that had already turned into ice. He lowered his head, not knowing what he was doing.

    He saw her being surrounded and crowded, but he had no intention of approaching her. Now that she approached, Qin Si didn't even shift his gaze and indifferently threw away the snow. He stood up straight and intended to leave.

    A boy around eleven or twelve years old, he has not yet begun to grow taller and still has the appearance of a young boy.

     Lu Nian noticed the hand exposed from his sleeve, the fingers were unusually long, and the skin was as pale as his cheeks. The intact parts of the hand were devoid of any color, appearing pale and lifeless. The redness and swelling from frostbite were particularly prominent, suggesting that the hand had been severely trampled during a previous fight. Bruises had formed, causing the skin to turn a bluish color, blending with the frostbite. This sight caused a sharp pang in Lu Nian's heart.

    The boy is extremely sensitive and almost instantly notices where her gaze is. His ears turn red in an instant, and his immediate reaction is to quickly retract his hand into his sleeve, wanting to hide it.

    Before Lu Nian could recover her senses, she didn't know what he had thought of again. He stretched out his unsightly hand once more and exposed it in front of her with a sense of self-deprecation.


    His expression turned colder, a cold smile played at the corners of his lips, his eyes fixed unwaveringly on her, ominously deep and pitch black. "Miss, are you satisfied?"

    Under the cold sunshine, Lu Nian saw his face clearly for the first time. The original book didn't have much description about what Qin Si looked like, but focused on his cruelty and ruthlessness, and his willingness to use any means necessary.

    However, looking at the current young version, he looks very attractive.

    Especially his eyes, Lu Nian really likes such eyes, they are very big and black, but not perfectly round in shape, so they don't look as childish as other boys his age.

    The young wolf looked at people with a cold and hostile gaze, but when Lu Nian saw him, she noticed the snowflakes on his long eyelashes and the stubborn fingers he kept hidden behind his back.

    She blinked and didn't say anything. With quick movements, she took off her gloves and handed them to him. Her gaze skimmed over the wounds on his face and hands.

    Those are a pair of thick gloves, adorned with a circle of soft and pure white rabbit fur, looking especially warm.

    "You can use it however you like." Lu Nian's hand was still not very convenient, even taking off gloves was somewhat difficult. The girl's voice fell into the wind, soft as cotton.


    Her health is really poor. She has been exposed to the wind outside for so long that she can feel a chill from the soles of her feet. Her throat is itchy, and she can't suppress the urge to cough. She can only apologize with a smile and start walking back.

    She thought that when she got back, she would have to ask Aunt Zhang to buy some frostbite cream and call a doctor to come and check the injuries on his body.

    The little girl walked unsteadily, stumbling and bumping into things. Her slender figure gradually faded from his sight, and she even staggered for a moment, almost falling down.

    He remembered that day, when it was her who spoke up and cleared his false accusations.

    Qin Si didn't know why she suddenly showed kindness to him. He never believed that Lu Nian had any good intentions towards him. However, thinking back to the way she looked at him in the end, the boy tightly pursed his lips.


    As if, it's like a different person.

    He shook his head and dismissed the absurd idea. After all, it was just the young lady's pity for a stray dog on the roadside. Whenever she felt happy, she would give generously, but if she became unhappy, she would immediately take it back.

  Or it could be another clever manipulation, just to give and take back, only to enjoy the pleasure of watching him suffer and be embarrassed in the end.

    The prickles on the boy's body stood up in alert. This was honed over more than ten years of protecting himself, amidst countless bloody pains.

     A chill ran down his spine, Qin Si suddenly pulled off the pair of white gloves and threw them harshly into the nearby trash bin.


The author has something to say: Throwing feels enjoyable in the moment, but you'll deeply regret it in the future.





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